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Welcome 2017!!

Happy New Year my suga muffins! I know most of you are probably still tired or fast asleep from all your new year festivities last night! I hope you all had fun! My night was not as bad as I thought it would have been. Someone on the street behind my home did their yearly fireworks and I was able to watch it through my bedroom window while on the phone with my boyfriend. It was not exactly as romantic as we would have wanted it to be, but we had to make do with what we had available.


Guys, it took me an entire day to figure out what my New Year's Resolutions are! This morning, on January 1, 2017 at 11:14 am I am happy to report to you my lovely readers that they are:

1. To attend church more often; getting closer to God. I haven't been going to church as often as I used to when I was younger. I honestly can't remember the last time I attended a church service. This is definitely bad. I should be giving The Almighty a few hours out of my day to show Him how grateful I am for the many blessings He bestowed upon me! He can easily take it away from me and leave me with nothing. So the least I could do is dedicate more time to Him.

2. To continue to dedicate more time and effort into making my Amazon Store a success. I've just recently become an Amazon Affiliate. I've pretty much been posting a few ads on Craigslist, my Facebook page, Instagram and even on here. I am yet to receive a sale. I will continue to keep doing what I'm doing until something happens. I would like to some day reach the level of success as my fellow Amazon Affiliates. P.S take a look on the items in my Winter Collection and *fingers crossed* maybe something will catch your eye.

3. To make more money. This is probably a part of everyone's New Year's Resolution. I mean who wouldn't set this as a goal? I'm constantly coming up with ideas on online businesses I would like to launch and I've been hard at work at my day job. I love the idea of being independent; being able to take care of myself, being able to assist my loved ones or even a complete stranger with the money that I've worked so hard to earn.

4. To be less miserable. Now this is the trickiest, because miserableness is in my genes! But I will definitely try my best to work on this. It has done some minor damage in the past to friendships and my relationship. This, I gotta work on!

Well guys those are my 4 Resolutions...thus far! I'm sure more will pop up as the day goes by haha. We have a tendency to set New Year's Resolutions, start them, then we stray. This ends today! Let us change the way we think and approach things for 2017! Once again, Happy New Year! Welcome 2017!


Please remember to check my Winter Collection out! You just might see something you'd like! Also remember to share my blog to your friends and family! :).

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