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Interview with Fashion Blogger Erriel JD!

Hey guys! Happy Saturday! I have come to you with some really good news! I've just recently completed an interview with Fashion Blogger Erriel JD! Let's welcome Erriel JD!


Question 1: Could you tell our lovely readers about yourself?

Answer: My name is Erriel JD! I am a 20something year old college blogger from Fort Worth, TX who is studying to be a teacher. I am a raging personality and I try my best to reach others through humor if possible!

Question 2: What inspired you to start your blog?

Answer: I always wanted to reach others and for a while I always felt like my voice wasn't heard. I started blogging because I wanted others to hear me because it's important for everyone to have their voice heard in a world full of billions of people

Question 3: How would you describe your personal style?

Answer: I would describe my personal style as fun but edgy and affordable! I am a lover of both bright and dark colors and simple jewelry. I'm the ultimate lip gloss junkie & will try just about anything in almost any color!

Question 4: Who was your first style icon?

Answer: My first style icon was Chanté who is the blogger of Everything Curvy & Chic! Her confidence is sky high & she isn't afraid of anything! If I could ever meet her I'd probably be the happiest blogger ever!!

Question 5: What would you say is the biggest challenge about being a fashion blogger?

Answer: My biggest challenge is time. I'm a college student & I work. If I could I would have more hours in a day. It's a good day when I can go to school, work, and blog.

Question 6: What would you say is the greatest satisfaction of being a fashion blogger?

Answer: The greatest satisfaction is knowing that I'm possibly inspiring someone and showing the world my style!

Question 7: Any useful tips to leave with us?

Answer: My fashion tip is to wear it and ROCK IT!!! Don't let anyone tell you you can't wear something or that you don't look good in something! If you're comfortable in it WEAR IT! You have to believe in your flyness and conquer your shyness. Don't be afraid to be bold!


There you have it ladies and gentlemen, the end of an insightful interview with Fashion Blogger Erriel JD. Here's a photo of her! Isn't she beautiful? I would like to thank her for participating in the interview and for also helping me accomplish my very first interview! Thank you girl!

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